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Guddan Updates - Thursday 23 February 2023

AJ and Guddan take the rounds. Guddan comes in front, for the last three rounds. She’s worried. Antara says you can’t defeat me Guddan. I defeated death to beat you. I won’t lose this time. I am coming. Pandit ji says this last round would make you both each others’ partners forever. AJ says in heart I am marrying to take revenge Guddan. I will live with this pain all my life. Antra comes there and says stop. AJ is shocked. Antra says I am here, Guddan is behind the ghunghat. AJ is dazed. Guddan takes off her ghunghat. Antra says she fainted me and came here. This wedding can’t happen.

Durga says your wedding can’t happen either. I have proof against you. Laxmi says we have the proof of her innocence. Let’s watch it. Antra says Guddan, you should have asked me. I won’t have done this. I didn’t come here to marry AJ. You didn’t have to do this drama. Why this insult? You were marrying AJ by deceit. Once again. You were repeating what you did. Guddan says you have no shame. Are you done? I did all that. How could I let you marry AJ? I needed proof. Saru says I am really scared. Antra will kill us. Guddan says AJ, I have the proof. Would you give me a chance? I know you won’t say no. Guddan takes the drive.
Guddan places the drive in TV. She says you look good with this worry Antra. Music plays. It has music videos only. Guddan is dazed. Durga says what is this. Everyone is shocked. Durga says he gave me the CCTV. Guddan is worried. AJ says stop this nonsense. Stop this drama. Are you a child? Guddan says she replaced it. I don’t know where did it go. AJ says shut up. I trusted you and gave you another chance and you proved I am the idiot. Everyone lies, where is the proof? Your proof went away? All of a sudden. It’s over, like our child. Antra says in heart Perv is amazing. Thank you, man. He replaced it when he took it from Durga. Guddan says please try to understand. AJ says you have lost it. Are you the same Guddan I loved? Guddan says how can you say that in anger? AJ says like you killed our child in anger and ego. I can’t live without you. Dadi says please listen. AJ says no one will speak between us. We will never be together now. I gave you another chance. Is this what you did? He breaks the TV in anger. AJ says you filled me with bitterness. You took my child and now all this? Why? Guddan says I really love you. Please trust me. I will never.. AJ says you accused me of having an affair with Antra. Now I will turn it into truth. No one can stop me.

AJ holds Antara’s hand and says start the mantra. This wedding will happen right now. Let’s go Antra. Laxmi says please stop AJ. AJ akes Antra to the mandap and says start the wedding. You won’t stop. Guddan says I won’t let this demon win. Lights go off. AJ says what happened to light now? Kishor go and check. Dadi says what happened? Perv says this house will be dark like this forever. Lights turn on. Antra isn’t there. AJ says where is Antra? Saru say where is she? AJ shouts Guddan. Perv says Guddan is gone too.
Guddan shoves Antara in the room. Antara says you look funny in anger. I know it’s a serious situation. I have an advice for you. You can’t do a serious role. Never give audition for it. You are a hen who couldn’t save her egg. Guddan picks things and hits her. Antra says what are you doing? Guddan says I will kill you. You killed my kids. I will take my revenge. I will kill you. I will stab you. Antra says stop. Guddan says you gave me this pain. She says what pain? Antra says there was no child You were never pregnant. I made fake reports to make everyone emotional. This was all my plan. My plan succeeded. Guddan says do you have any shame? Antra says I am awesome right? I make such amazing plans. Guddan says I will kill you.

Antara is screaming AJ comes outside and says Guddan, open the door. AJ breaks the door and comes inside. He says are you crazy? Would you take Antara’s life? Guddan says yes I will kill her. She did all this. AJ says she didn’t do anything. Guddan says I was never pregnant. That child was never here. She did this to fool us. AJ says enough is enough. You are making stories. Guddan says she got that report made of my pregnancy. AJ says move from here. Enough of your lies. Guddan says she told me all this. AJ says leave before I lose my mind. Guddan says I won’t let you do this mistake. AJ says enough. Guddan says please listen. Please try to understand. AJ brings Antra to mandap. Guddan says please don’t do this. AJ shoves Guddan and says stay away from me. Guddan says please stop. AJ says start the mandap. It should start end in a moment. Guddan says I am your wife. He says you’re my child’s murderer.

Guddan says she makes you the same egoistic person. I would never kill my child. But that child was never there. I lost my mother. I know what it feels. I can never harm my child. I have been trying to tell you but you’re not understanding. She fooled us to separate us. You can’t see my reality? She told me so she can hurt me. Please don’t leave me. Please trust me. AJ says trust? I can’t believe you stooped so low. You did mistakes but you always wanted to fix them. But what have you become? AJ says you need a doctor. These are all made up stories. Guddan says no it isn’t. This is the truth. Guddan says this is a lie. Our wedding would never end. I love you. AJ says I don’t love you. Got it? You murdered our love. We should stay away from each other. I hate you. I am ashamed that I loved you. You don’t deserve to be my wife, neither a mother. You were a useless poor girl from street. I gave you everything. Money, good life, and trust. The entire world wanted this name. I gave it to you. You never deserved it. You don’t even deserve to be called a mother. I gave you another chance to prove me wrong. But you called existence of our child a lie? You’re dead for me. You have killed my child and now you keep lying. You’re saying the child wasn’t there in first place? I am with Antra. I hate you. Start the mantra.

AJ starts taking rounds with Antara. Dadi says Guddan, please stop this wedding. Guddan stands there in shock. Dadi says I will stop it. Guddan stops her hand. Antra comes in front for last three rounds. Guddan is leaving. AJ says stay and watch this wedding end. Guddan says a poor useless girl can’t see the marriage of a rich man like you. Guddan says I was happy in those streets. My surname was Jindal but my name is Guddan. I will make my first name so big that it would become my identity. Not your surname. Thank you for teaching me that I need to be something on my own. I am leaving. She leaves. Guddan says dadi, please. Guddan says statue. No one would move and stop me. You all have to be here for AJ. And Antra, things only change with love. AJ is marrying you for circumstances. To end our relationship. Marriages are based on love. Guddan says this story is about AJ and me only. It’s the defeat of our love. Congratulations on your shallow win and AJ, on his mistake. I will come back. Everyone is in tears. Guddan leaves. Guddan recalls AJ saying even if I lose everything I would still have you. She recalls her moments with AJ. Guddan smiles and walks out. Everyone is in tears.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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