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Babaji welcome arrangement is going on, afterwhich Vidhvan brings babaji. Family greets him. Brij and Vidhvan wash his feet. Each family member touch babaji’s feet and take his blessings. Vidhvan introduces his elder son Anurag and Ragini and they both take his blessings. Shristi eagerly waits for Vishu. Brij calls Rajjo and asks Baba to find out their marriage muhurath. Baba says their marriage will be after 15 days. Vishu returns. Vidhvan introduces him and Shristi and they both take Baba’s blessings. Baba sees Vishu’s face and says death is hovering over this boy.s head and his wife will be reason for his death. Family is shocked.

Revathi pleads baba to do something and save her son. Ragini says baba that his forecast maybe wrong. Baba says his forecast was never wrong till now and even in the future, whatever he saw he informed them. He leaves.

Revathi cries that she will not let anything happen to Vishu and hugs him. Shristi says nothing will happen to Vishu. Revathi says Shristi will not stay around her son as she was the reason for Vishu’s problems till now, she reminds the incidents. Vishu says babaji’s forecast may be wrong. Revathi says he was always right and reminds Anurag that his US visa was rejected twice, but baba forecasted he will go for sure. When drought hit their village, baba forecasted that rain will come and it came. Dulari bring Shristi’s bag. Rajjo comments it is better to kick the problem out of house. Revathi drags her towards door. Vishu stops her and says he will not let Shristi go. Revathi gets adamant and push Shristi. Vishu hold Shristi… Drama continues.

Vishu stops Revathi from pushing Shristi out of house and says Shristi is his good fate and until she is with him, nothing will happen to him. He says he loves Shristi a lot and cannot stay away from her. Shristi looks at him in a surprise. He says yes he loves her. Revathi stands fuming. Vishu takes Shristi in.

Ragini looks at Shristi, Vishu, her and Anurag’s photo and gets emotional. Anurag asks what happened to her. She cry that she is worried about devarji. Anurag console and hug he and says nothing will happen to Vishu until Shristi is with him, he loves her a lot.

Revathi sits crying worried for Vishu. Daadi says nothing will happen to Vishu, she will pray god, now should have something as she did not have food since morning. Vidhvan says maa is right. They hear Rajjo loudly reading news about wife killing husband, harming him, etc. Vidhvan shouts who is it. Rajjo says it is her and brainwashes Revathi how will she save Vishu from advocate Shristi. Revathi shows her fuming jealous face.

Shristi dreams about babaji predicting that she will pose a risk for Vishu. She wakes up worried and thinks Vishu loves her so much and even she should express her love for him. She goes out of the room. Ragini sees her smiling and says devarji loves her so much, so even she should express her love by feeding him gajar ka halwa. Shristi agrees. They walk towards the kitchen and clash with Dulari. They all 3 promote Salman Khan’s new movie Tiger Zinda Hai. Shristi and Ragini walk to kitchen and prepare gajar halwa. Ragini asks Shristi to go and feed her husband now. Brij enters smelling gajar ka halwa and picks some to bite when Rajjo stops it and says it is prepared by Shristi, so there may be poison in it. Ragini warns her to be in her limits. Revathi warns her to shut up and asks Shristi to take halwa first.. Drama continues..

Revathi asks Shristi to taste gajar halwa first before feeding it to Vishu. Shristi taste halwa. Dulari checks her and says she does not have any sign of poison. Rajjo asks to check if tongue is turning black. Ragini warns them all to get out, then seeing Revatthi asks to go out, she will prepare food and bring. They all leave fuming. Shristi weeps. Ragini cheers her up and asks to go and feed halwa to her husband. Shristi adds halwa in a plate. Ragini asks to decorate it with I love you and gives her coconut powder. Shristi writes I love you with coconut powder on halwa and takes it to Vishu. She sees Vishu coming from first floor and ask him to come down. Vishu walks down stairs. Has mat pagli pyar hojayega…song..plays in the background. They both meet in the middle of stairs smiling at each other.

Vishu slips and falls and injures his forehead. Anurag run and help Vishu. Family gather. Revathi yell that Shristi tried to kill Vishu as per babaji’s prediction. She sees blood on Vishu’s forehead and panics. Rajjo accuse Shristi of pushing Vishu. Vidhvan warn her to shut up. Revathi continues yelling at Shristi. Dulari supports her as usual. Rajjo checks stairs and says it has lot of oil. Dulari says Shristi purposefully dropped oil on the stairs and tried to kill Vishu.

Ragini take Shristi’s side. Revathi yells at her. Anurag asks Revathi if she really thinks Shirsti can harm Vishu. Revathi continues yelling. Vidhvan asks Revathi to stop now. Revathi yells he cannot see babaji’s forecasting coming true, now she will see how can she protect her son. Rajjo takes Brij from there. Shristi tells Anurag that she feels good when he supports her.

Shristi nurses Vishu’s wound. Vishu asks if she is feeling bad. Shristi says sasuma is worried about him and she can understand her condition. Vishu says maa yells at her often, but she cares for mom even then. Revatghi walks in and takes out suitcase. Vishu says Shristi will not go from here. Revathi yells how can she dare to send Shristi out, she is taking Vishu to her room to protect him. Vishu says he is fine and she should not worry. Revathi leaves yelling.

Rajjo sees Vishu seeing Brij tensed and asks what happened to him. Brij says he is worried about Vishu as Vishu is his son more than Vidhvan’s. She is shocked and asks what does he mean. He asks not to misunderstand him, his wife Kamla loved Vishu like her own son and he considers Vishu as his son, since Shrisit came into Vishu’s life, he is falling into trouble often. Rajjo says she know he would be sad, so she brought special thing for him.

Revathi asks Dulari to come and massage her headache. Ragini enters and applies balm to her forehead. Revathi hears her voice and fames her usual jealous face. Ragini says Shristi will never try to harm Vishu. Revathi yells to go from here. Ragini gives her water and says she does not want to irk her, she can have water and calm down. She leaves thinking her effort went in vain, Revathi will not listen to her.


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