Anupriya brings Madhuri’s pic and says Kalyani’s rasam will be done infront of her pic. She says how can we forget her, who gave me the biggest happi…
Read More»Shilpi apologizes to Anupriya and apologizes to her. She says she couldn’t lose this chance. She goes. Aao Saheb gets a call from Indu and asks Anupr…
Read More»Godaveri tells that Anupriya and Kalyani have an argument as Malhar had beaten you. She asks why you stayed silent then? Ajinkya says I was helpless.…
Read More»Aao Saheb comes to Godaveri’s room and asks her to listen, what she is going to say. Godaveri asks what? Aao Saheb says I know that everyone wants yo…
Read More»Aau Sahib is not able to understand so questions what is happening, Kalyani is revealing the entire situation hearing which Aau Sahib gets mad saying…
Read More»Anupriya is in the kitchen thinking this is what she desired, and it is the day when her NGO would finally start, Aau Sahib asks where her medicine i…
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