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The Episode starts with Kailash saying its your marriage, see these decorations and my face’s happiness, I m happy as my daughter has come back and will stay in a good family with respect, you will forget everything, this is a good thing. Vividha smiles and claps. She says you did good planning, did you leave to do this planning, I m already married to Atharv Sujata, I have a daughter and son too, you really got mad while acting mad, I came here to take my son, I will take him and leave, if you see my family, I will kill you. Atharv hugs Madhav’s school bag and sees his things. He recalls Madhav. He think I promised I will never leave you alone, don’t know what to do, I don’t know where you are, where to find you, where are you Vividha.
Kangana imagines Madhav. She cries and recalls Khushi. She thinks why did I not think this before, I know where is Madhav. She goes out and hires an auto. She leaves. Vividha calls out Madhav. stops her and asks her not to be kiddish, try to listen about the guy once, you will forget everyone, he is one in a million. She asks Madhav to come out and looks for him.

Atharv says this is Madhav’s fav car, if he comes back, he will try to find remote. He looks for the remote. He finds the remote in burnt state. Vividha asks Madhav to come out. Kailash says the guy is very rich, listen. She asks him to stop his nonsense. Kangana comes somewhere and looks for Madhav. She cries.

Vividha says this won’t happen, I m married, I will not remarry, if you force me, you will be badly caught, stop this drama. She hits the kalash pot. Kailash says this is abshagun, I have brought this puja plate for you, if you are Madhav’s mum, its bad for him, you take Madhav, if anything happens to him, then what, I m worried for you, have some water, I will not tell anything, don’t think I m threatening you, just have this. She drinks the water.

Atharv looks around in the burnt room. He finds a wallet. He checks it. He says why is Kailash having this card, even the address is wiped off, where will he be. Vividha meets Madhav and hugs him. She asks are you fine. He says yes, that bad uncle scared me and said he will kill you. She says nothing will happen, come we will go home to Atharv. She takes him. Kangana looks for Madhav and recalls…. FB shows Kangana asking Kailash how can I do this. He asks her to take risk, he will support her. She says I will do anything to get my son. He says I will get your son, you should get him, they did big mistake to steal your son, you should punish them. She agrees and asks why are you helping me. He says everything is not done for profits, some things are done for person’s dreams, I have to fulfill my dream, Vividha did some mistakes in the past and I think she should rectify it, you go to her house, everything has a time destined, you will get your son there. FB ends. Kangana says what does he want, why is he doing this with me, he wanted Vividha to remarry, Vividha went to Atharv after marrying Ravish, what does he want now.

Vividha asks Kailash to open the lock. Kailash says this door won’t open. She says I will call police, police will open the door. Kailash asks her to use the landline. She gets dizzy. Madhav asks what happened. Kailash smiles. He asks her why does she not understand him, he has no option and had to do this. He says I don’t lose, I just like winning, so I can’t hear your no, its the effect of this water. She asks Madhav not to worry. Madhav asks her to open eyes. Vividha faints.

Its morning, Vividha is not in senses. The girls make her ready as the bride. Kailash sends the girls and talks to Vividha. He says the day has come, you will get happiness, you are not valuing me, just marry once and then see, you will say I did this for good, you will be very happy, understand this, I got you married before also, just marry now. She says its wrong, I m already married. He says I agree, but you did mistake, its not called marriage, its time to rectify the mistake, I will not let you miss this chance. Madhav gets angry hearing him. Kailash tells about the guy Vivek, his parents are no more, none will trouble you there. She says Atharv will come, you just see, he won’t let this happen. Kailash goes. Madhav says I have to save mumma, what to do, I will call Papa.
Madhav goes to call Atharv. Kailash stops him and scolds. He welcomes the groom’s family. Madhav looks on. Kailash takes care of guests. The guy asks who is this kid. Kailash says neighbor’s kid, Vividha loves kids a lot. He asks Madhav to go and play. The guy says I would like to meet the girl Vividha. The lady asks is there any tension. Kailash says I have much tension, Vividha is getting ready. The lady says Vivek wanted to meet her once. Madhav thinks to do something. Vividha is in dizzy state. Atharv asks inspector to please find out about Vividha and Madhav. Kailash lies about traditions, which ties hands, till we have Kuldevi darshan, I m helpless, it will happen in few hours, take some rest and then meet Vividha. He settles them in a room. The lady asks Vivek to give the jewelry to Kailash, its for Vividha. Vivek goes to Kailash. Madhav tries to make a call. Vivek sees Vividha from window and calls her out. He says actually, I wanted to meet you, Kailash uncle said you are getting ready, I wanted to talk to you once, I saw your photos and fell in love with you, did you have same feelings for me, I m talking to you, hello…. He sees the door and tries to meet her. Kailash sees him and stops. Vivek says Vividha was not responding to me. Kailash says maybe she is sleeping, she woke up early morning, shall I wake her up. Vivek says no, I was seeing how is the door latched. Kailash says I did this so that people let bride rest, come. Vivek says fine, let her rest and goes.

Atharv asks inspector about Vividha again. Jaana na dil se door….plays…. Madhav says phone is dead, how will I save mumma. He calls from mobile. Khushi answers. He asks her to give call to Papa, tell him we are in Ajmer. Khushi does not talk. Kailash takes the phone from Madhav. He scolds him.
Vivek tells everyone that something is fishy, Kailash was lying to me. Vividha recalls her marriage, and says this can’t happen. Jaana na dil se door…..plays.. Sujata asks Atharv did police know anything. Atharv says no, what shall I do, I have to leave. Sujata asks where will you go. Atharv says don’t know, I will find her. He gets stumbling. Uma says you are not fine, how can you go, don’t go. Khushi tries to tell him. She says Ajmer. They get shocked. Atharv asks how did you say this, Ajmer. Khushi nods. Atharv asks what about Ajmer, you answered call from Vividha or Madhav. She nods. He says it means Kailash took them there, but why. Kangana comes and says he wants to get Vividha married to someone else. She tells everything. Kailash tells Vividha that Vivek wants to meet her. Vividha is dizzy. Kailash says it will happen what I say, there is no question of saying yes, see this and decide what to do. He shows Madhav’s pic. She says you will regret a lot. She says till Atharv is alive, this can’t happen, Atharv will come. Atharv gets dizzy and falls unconscious. Kailash says you are waiting for him, he will not come now, the injection given to him was not to faint him, it was slow poison, he would be selling milk in heaven by now. They all worry for Atharv.

PRECAP: Kailash blackmails Vividha and makes her sit in the mandap. Vividha thinks this can’t happen, I m just of Atharv. Atharv says a father is trying to kill a daughter. He walks to him and shoots. Vividha gets shot. They get shocked.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9am

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